Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is a Psalm I wrote for my Psalms and Epistles class.

Lord, you have revealed your steadfast love.
Lord, you are great and in love and mercy.
Out of the depths I cried to you, and you answered.
In the midst of my despair you rescued me.
There was a fierce lion waiting at my door,
A deep pit of gloom.
Demons were all around seeking to crush my soul,
In my pain and agony I cried to you.
You, the Lord of all the earth answered my cry,
Out of the depths you raised me up.
From the lions jaws you rescued me,
You carried me to this place.
Now Lord, I call on you again.
Where O Lord in my resting place?
Where shall I lay my head?
Where do your people cry out for help?
Where is healing needed?
You, O Lord know the plans for me.
You, O Lord will answer for you are faithful.
In you I place my life,
Do with it what you will.

1 comment:

  1. Though the next few months may look to you like a trackless desert of unknowns, God indeed knows the plans he has for you. It may not be easy, but God will lead you with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Thanks the updates on your journey; I'm eager to here how things turn out!
